Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dec 25th

We had a frustrating night, as Sid was up gnawing her back legs and digging into her armpits much of the night.
Her armpits are sticky and smelly.  I sprayed them this morning with the microtek spray.  I'm thinking of leaving her sweatshirt off for the day, but we will be gone for a while and I'm afraid she'll tear her pits open even more.  
I'll try to have Phil help with Sidney armpit photos later on.
7:40 am  Gave sulphur in water
8:15 am  Fed 1/2# lamb tripe
Left sweatshirt off all day.  She scratched her armpits.  She has bumps all over her rear legs.  They don't appear very red, but I can feel them.
5:30 pm  Gave primal defense in water
7:00 pm  Fed ground turkey plus l-glutamine

1 comment:

  1. Ruby and i are hoping you find a treatment for miss Sidney Bean
